CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index)- 2021

What is the CCPI Index?

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is a scoring system designed by the German environmental and development organization to enhance transparency in international climate politics.

Since 2005 CCPI published annually. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) tracks countries’ efforts to tackle climate change. It is an independent monitoring tool and it aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enables comparisons of climate protection efforts and progress made by individual countries.

At the end of the 2020 Paris Agreement on Climate change Protection, the Implementation Phase enters a Crucial Phase where countries are due to submit their updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs). In light of this, the CCPI aims to inform the process of rising climate ambitions. It is a long-standing and reliable tool for identifying leaders and laggards in climate protection.

  • CCPI can be a powerful instrument to hold governments accountable for their responsibility to act on the climate crisis and of stimulating a race to the top in climate action.

CCPI index (Climate Change Performance Index) is collectively Published by the Germanwatch, CAN (Climate Action Network)  International, and The New Climate Institute. These Organizations publish this index report by evaluating and comparing the climate protection performance of 57 countries and the EU.

CCPI Index 2021

The Climate Change Performance Index 2021:

Background and Methodology

The Climate Change Performance Index compares 57 countries and the EU in the areas of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energies, Energy Use, and Climate Policy, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the current efforts and progress of the countries analyzed. Besides, it measures how well countries are on track to meet the global goals of the Paris Agreement by evaluating the current status and future targets of each category with reference to a well-below 2°C pathway. This agreement brochure explains the background and methodology of the Climate Change Performance Index. Furthermore, it lists the literature and data sources used for these calculations.


Germanwatch is a non-profit, independent development, and environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Bonn and Berlin, Germany. It was founded in 1991. Its primary objective is to employ an influence on public policy regarding environmental protection as well as relations between countries in the Global North and South.

CAN International :

CAN (Climate Action Network) International is the Organization of a worldwide network of over 1300 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in more than 130 countries. CAN work to promote government and individual action for climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.

The CAN members work to achieve this goal by exchanging and coordinating the development of an NGOs approach to Riginal, national, and international climate issues. For coordination of NGOs, approaches for climate issues,  The CAN has regional hubs to coordinate these efforts around the worlds

The CAN members put a priority high on both a Healthy Environment and development by employing their vision to protect the atmosphere while allowing sustainable and equitable development worldwide.

CAN  Works on Brundtland Commission recommendation. The aim of this commission was to help direct the nations of the world toward the goal of sustainable development.

Brundtland Commission: In 1983 The Brundtland Commission was created by the United Nations. The Mission of this commission was to provide ways to Save the human environment and natural resources and prevent the decline of economic and social development.

Follow Below Link for detailed information about Brundtland Commission.

New Climate Institute: 

New Climate Institute is an organization based in Germany. NewClimate Institute has offices in Cologne and Berlin. The New Climate Institute works for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability with goals to develop new ideas on climate policy and to promote their implementation.

It provides expertise in climate negotiations, carbon market mechanisms, development, and climate finance. It tracks, evaluates, and compares climate change mitigation actions from a wide range of national, subnational, corporate, and civil society stakeholders.


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